
Lists all OpenVZ system templates.

This command lists all OpenVZ templates that can be used for creating new containers on some host system. By default it will show all of them in a table, but you can use the --multiline parameter to display more details in a machine-readable format, or --name-only to just show template names

Example usage

  cloudmin list-openvz-templates --host openvzhost
  Name                                                         Size      
  ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------
  centos-5-i386-default                                        126.89 MB 
  debian-5.0-x86                                               131.85 MB 
  fedora-7-i386-default                                        123.06 MB 
  fedora-7-i386-webmin                                         136.85 MB 

Command Line Help

Lists all OpenVZ templates on some host.

cloudmin list-openvz-templates --host name
                              [--multiline | --name-only]