xen console user with UID 0 - is it supposed to be like this?

1 post / 0 new
#1 Tue, 09/21/2010 - 03:35

xen console user with UID 0 - is it supposed to be like this?


I just noticed on of of my servers there's a xen console user with UID 0 & GID 0 - this doesn't seem right to me. Why is this user here?

Look here:

root@usaxen03:[~]$ grep 0:0 /etc/passwd root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash xen-venus.cloudmin.x.x.x-console:x:0:0:Console user for venus.cloudmin.x.x.x:/var/ webmin/login/venus.cloudmin.x.x.x:/etc/webmin/server-manager/login.pl xen-ns3.cloudmin.x.x.x-console:x:0:0:Console user for ns3.cloudmin.x.x.x:/var/webm in/login/ns3.cloudmin.x.x.x:/etc/webmin/server-manager/login.pl xen-hub1.cloudmin.x.x.x-console:x:0:0:Console user for hub1.cloudmin.x.x.x:/var/we bmin/login/hub1.cloudmin.x.x.x:/etc/webmin/server-manager/login.pl

On the other servers I only have this:

[root@usaxen07 ~]# grep 0:0 /etc/passwd root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash

Can I just delete these users, or do I need them? And why do they have full root access?