Possible issues with installing virtualmin on a running webmin installation?

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#1 Thu, 09/08/2011 - 08:00

Possible issues with installing virtualmin on a running webmin installation?

I currently have a machine serving a couple of clients sites. In order to make maintaining the system easier I installed webmin and set up the sites using the virtual domains feature.

I now need to add more virtual servers and in hindsight see that I should have installed virtualmin on a clean installation when I set the machine up but given that there are sites configured and up and running will virtualmin still install nicely now?

Will it read the config files and allow me to administer them through virtualmin without anything breaking or should I rebuild the server from scratch?

Thanks in advance.

Thu, 09/08/2011 - 09:39

given that there are sites configured and up and running will virtualmin still install nicely now?

Probably not :-)

You'd risk it breaking something that currently works during the installation process.

You could always perform a manual installation, as per the instructions here:


And then, you could import your existing domains into Virtualmin (using Add Servers -> Import Domains).

None of those steps are "simple", but they're available in case you don't wish to reinstall :-)

If you only have a few sites setup, you may save time over the long run by backup up the data for your sites, reinstalling your OS, installing Virtualmin using the install.sh, create your sites using Virtualmin, then copy your data back into your sites.


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