Disc Image Directories: Error - Perl execution failed

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#1 Sat, 01/28/2012 - 16:51

Disc Image Directories: Error - Perl execution failed


I am very new to Cloudmin. I installed the GPL version with ease on a fresh Centos 5.7 64bit host. I am going through the basic settings and when I click on Host Systems >> Disk Image Directories I see the error below:

++++++++++++ HTTP/1.0 500 Perl execution failed Server: MiniServ/1.580 Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2012 22:47:26 GMT Content-type: text/html; Charset=iso-8859-1 Connection: close Error - Perl execution failed

Undefined subroutine &server_manager::list_locations called at /usr/libexec/webmin/server-manager/list_directories.cgi line 15 ++++++++++++

What is wrong here?

Sun, 01/29/2012 - 10:15

I ahve the same issue. Waiting on the virtualmin folks to get back to us..:)

Mon, 01/30/2012 - 10:01


Just to be sure this isn't related to Webmin not restarting after a recent update (which happens more often than it should), could you try running this command:

/etc/init.d/webmin restart

After that, do you continue to get the above error?



Mon, 01/30/2012 - 13:16

yeppers...webmin actually starts on reboot for me most times now.

Mon, 01/30/2012 - 14:11

I can't really report back because my test server decided to die on me for some f**ing reason! "£%$£$%^$^&^%&

Anyways I don't think however that this was the case simply because I could switch from Cloudmin to webmin tab with no errors.

Please do update this topic if solution if found... Thank you!

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