install virtualmin error: /tmp directory is mounted noexec. installation cannot continue.

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#1 Sun, 04/01/2012 - 14:24

install virtualmin error: /tmp directory is mounted noexec. installation cannot continue.


I have followed many guides, especially:

I followed his exact steps, and got an error: /tmp directory is mounted noexec. installation cannot continue.

I know you you're supposed to edit something in the /tmp for the noexec but I don't even know the commands to access it without getting permission denied.

I have nothing of SSH commands to access certain files/edit. I followed what was needed through the process, but can someone tell me the exact commands without getting the permission denied?

I have been at this for 2 days and running out of time.

Thank you very much!

Sun, 04/01/2012 - 17:36

The "noexec" flag is set in /etc/fstab for the tmp mount; when you remove it from there, unmount and mount tmp again, the noexec should be gone.

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