How edit existing fcgi wrapper?

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#1 Thu, 05/17/2012 - 13:08

How edit existing fcgi wrapper?

I try edit it from root and domain account with Virtualmin file manager and nano but always 'access denied'

Thu, 05/17/2012 - 14:26


If you need to edit it, you'd need to run "chattr -i FILENAME" on the wrapper first, as it's marked as immutable (as it's often not a good idea to edit it).

However, you can certainly do that -- and we'd suggest marking it immutable when you're done by running "chattr +i FILENAME".


Fri, 05/18/2012 - 09:43
ronald's picture

you need to chattr +i the folder fcgi-bin too for it to have any use.
Else one could rename the folder, then recreate fcgi-bin and place its own files in there ;)
same goes for /home/domain/etc folder

Sat, 10/06/2012 - 01:27

Guys, im with the same problem... Idk what to do...

can any1 tell me how to do that? i suck on linux, sorry =\

My site is: (/home/garotacarioca/commons) - the apache user is: garotacarioca on group "common" tries to acess: /home/admin/file.php - user admin on group "common" too

what i did: - putted every user on the same group (files and folders too) - tried to force with 0777 in all folder and files - Included my base dir, in php.ini "/home/admin" (here worked, cuz if i call is_dir(/home/admin/xpto_folder) works ^^ - for the last try, ive tried the include_path ...

nothing worked =\

please, any1 gimme some light!!! i couldnt understand anything here... i really suckon linux =\

thanks a lot!

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