I can't login to virtualmin from other subnet

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#1 Wed, 09/24/2014 - 01:28

I can't login to virtualmin from other subnet

hi i install virtualmin on centos 6.5.but i can login to server (https://virtualmin_ip_address:10000) only from PCs that the IP address is in the same subnet of virtualmin i.e: virtualmin IP address:x.x.38.20/ then i can login only from pc that IP is in this range: x.x.38.1-x.x.38.30 ( subnet: what is problem? thanks

Wed, 10/29/2014 - 14:09

I am guessing your issue is related to a workplace firewall. If you are trying to access your server in a workplace, I would suggest talking to someone that knows how the firewalls and routers are configured.

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