Updated Virtualmin Theme - Cloudmin Dissapeared

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#1 Sat, 04/11/2015 - 14:38

Updated Virtualmin Theme - Cloudmin Dissapeared

I ran the update for the Cloudmin theme, and all of a sudden, my whole Cloudmin install dissapeared. I can start and stop clients, but I can no longer configure them, or anything beyond start and stop.

Sat, 04/11/2015 - 14:39

webmin-virtual-server-theme all Webmin theme 'Virtualmin Framed Theme' Running latest 9.1 Virtualmin

This is what its called in the Virtual min updates, Everything list.

Sun, 04/12/2015 - 21:31


" qooob commented on Feb 1 ~~~ In case you have latest updates (sorry missed that you said you got latest), then it's the same bug, that just was fixed today for Virtualmin GPL. Developers simply forgot to place new menu generator, a file called webmin_menu.pl to GPL version of Cloudmin (and before today to Virtualmin GPL as well (version 4.14 fixes it)) but did to Pro versions.

Here is the webmin_menu.pl file from Cloudmin 8.0 Pro version that wasn't included


You would have to copy it to /usr/libexec/webmin/server-manager/ to make left menu appear.

(Craig here, I didn't find it in the above, I found it needed to be placed here in Ubuntu 14:04:) " /usr/share/webmin/server-manager"
If you have problems doing that, just wait for Cloudmin update then. I have just informed Joe, they will be aware.

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