The global php.ini is used rather than the virtual server specfic one.

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#1 Tue, 10/27/2015 - 06:16

The global php.ini is used rather than the virtual server specfic one.

Hi, I use Virtualmin for several months now and I have really adopted it. But, I encountered an issue and I don't know if it is from my lack of expertise or a bug.

When I create a new virtual server, its php.ini file is located in "/home/server-folder/etc/php5/php.ini" and it is the behavior I expect. But when I change the DocumentRoot from "/public_html" to "/public_html/sub-folder", the php.ini file used by my virtual server becomes the global /etc/php.ini.

I have tried via the "Server Config > Website options > Website documents subdirectory" command and via Apache via the "Services > configure website > Edit directives" command, but none works as expected and php.ini used is the /etc/php.ini

Note that the issue is not linked to an app I would use, because it appears even when the virtual server is empty (nothing in "public_html" and no database)

Is there something I miss ?

For info, my config is CentOS 7.1.1503, Virtualmin GPL 4.18 Webmin 1.770


Tue, 10/27/2015 - 06:44

Just to be more specific, the issue appears when the virtual server works in CGI and doesn't appear in FCGId ... but I generally use CGI, because it is more compatible with my apps.


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