no puedo enviar correo al exterior

hola tengo instalado un server con virtualmin y tengo problemas para enviar/recibir correo desde el exterior de la red. aclaro que utilizo el servidor para servicio de hosting y necesito que salgan/entren los mails al exterior. me pueden ayudar??? utilizo postfix y davecot.



Howdy -- unfortunately, we only speak English.

However, it sounds like you're using Virtualmin GPL there, the Support area here is for people using Virtualmin Pro.

For people using Virtualmin GPL, the Forums are available for support. You can access the forums using the "Forums" link at the top of the website.

We monitor the Forums, along with lots of wonderful folks in the community!

My suggestion would be to post a new Forum thread, and in that post, let us know what problems or errors you are seeing when trying to send email. You can see the errors in the email logs in /var/log/maillog. Thanks!