Backups fail to delete old backups from Dropbox


I have a scheduled backup running, saving backups to Dropbox.

The saving of backups works fine, but then the "Delete old backups" does not work, and returns the error message:

Deleting backups from {MyDropBoxPath}/%y/%m/%d in Dropbox folder Apps older than 30 days .. .. failed to list Google Cloud Storage files : JSON decoding failed : malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom, at character offset 0 at /usr/share/webmin/virtual-server/ line 184

Backups are correctly saved to {MyDropBoxPath}/{yy}/{mm}/{dd} but then it's having trouble checking for older ones.

Perhaps it's just due to there actually being no folder which is older than 30 days, therefore there is no file/folder match for what it's looking for, and the error will stop after + 30 days...?

Any thoughts / help is appreciated.

Thanks Rob



This could be due to the sub-directory format - if you backup instead to {MyDropBoxPath}/%y-%m-%d, does the same error happen?

Indeed, it was an issue with the subdirectory structure of the yy/mm/dd -- changed to yy-mm-dd (single directory) and it is working no problem.

Not ideal as I would prefer it subdirectory formatted, but I can live with that.


Ok, cool - this does look like a Virtualmin bug, as the directory format you used should be supported. I'll look into it..