Wordpress Multisites: Server not found when visiting site & sites dashboard

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#1 Fri, 04/20/2018 - 13:50
PresPhuture's picture

Wordpress Multisites: Server not found when visiting site & sites dashboard

Hello Everyone

I've managed to enable wordpress multisite on one of my servers, however when I create a new site and visit the site dashboard or sites front end it says 'Server not found' on my browser. I've followed the wordpress multisite and nginx settings to a tee and managed to change the DNS wildcard to accommodate subdomain (as it is from an existing site) via Virtualmin => Server Configurations => Website Options => Website matches all sub-domains to Yes. I really don't know where the problem is situated with the setup.

Sun, 04/22/2018 - 17:44
PresPhuture's picture

Hi. It now works.


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