https dont work

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#1 Sun, 09/08/2019 - 17:11
Kvark's picture

https dont work

hello, not first time I am installing virtualmin, but run today a new setup from scratch and get into a problem - fresh centos 7 (naked) yum install wget etc... all success but only http, (virtualmin on https no problems) any virtualhost trying to add with ssl - drop me error:

This site can’t provide a secure connection sent an invalid response. Try running Windows Network Diagnostics. ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR

http protocol works fine (created index.html file)

if I try to run LE I got "standard" error: request failed : Web-based validation failed : Failed to request certificate : challenge did not pass: Invalid response from ...

.well-known folder not even created in public_html !!!

is anibody else facing such with new instalation? As unsure is it some kind of bug or just my vps have something uniq (older setups on same provider vms work perfect)

any ideas?

Sun, 09/08/2019 - 20:50

AJECreative is the home of $5 webhosting, $15/month VPS servers (1cpu,1gb RAM, 25GB storage)
Centos7, Debian9, or Ubuntu18LTS
Available Control Panels = Centos-Webpanel, Cyberpanel, or Virtualmin

Mon, 09/09/2019 - 06:26
Kvark's picture

thanks but issue is not with LE, self signed certificate does same, that is why i am so confused, older version of virtualmin works just fine on one of same providers vms so confusing that was changed in new one or overall how to track root cause of that :/

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