Creates a new account plan for use with virtual servers

This command allows you to create a new account plan, which defines limits that can be applied to new or existing virtual servers. The only mandatory parameter is --name, which must be followed by a unique name for the plan to create.

Quotas for virtual servers on the plan can be set with the --quota or --admin-quota flags, followed by a quota in blocks (typically 1k in size). By default, plan quotas are unlimited.

Restrictions on the number of virtual servers, mailboxes, aliases and databases can be set with the --max-doms, --max-mailbox, --max-alias and --max-dbs parameters, followed by a number. By default, all of these are unlimited.

Allowed features for new virtual servers can be set with the --features flag, followed by a space-separated feature code list like web dns mail. Similarly, allowed editing capabilities can be set with --capabilities followed by a list of codes like domain users aliases. In both cases, the lists must be a single quoted parameter.

Scripts that virtual servers on the plan can install can be restricted by the --scripts flag, followed by a quoted list of script codes. To find available codes, use the list-available-scripts API command.

To create a plan that is owned by a reseller, use the --owner flag followed by an existing reseller name. To limit use of the plan to only some resellers, use --resellers followed by a list of reseller names. Or use --no-resellers to prevent any resellers from seeing it.

Command line help

virtualmin create-plan --name plan-name
                      [--owner reseller]
                      [--quota blocks]
                      [--admin-quota blocks]
                      [--max-mailbox limit]
                      [--max-alias limit]
                      [--max-dbs limit]
                      [--max-doms limit]
                      [--max-aliasdoms limit]
                      [--max-realdoms limit]
                      [--max-bw limit]
                      [--max-mongrels limit]
                      [--features "web dns mail ..." | --no-features]
                      [--capabilities "domain users aliases ..."]
                      [--scripts "name name ..."]
                      [--no-resellers | --resellers "name name.."]