Requests and installs a Let’s Encrypt cert for a virtual server

The server must be specified with the --domain flag, followed by a domain name. By default the certificate will be the for either previously used hostnames for Let’s Encrypt, or the default SSL hostnames for the domain. However, you can specify an alternate list of hostnames with the --host flag, which can be given multiple times. Or you can force use of the default SSL hostname list with --default-hosts.

If the optional --renew flag is given, automatic renewal will be configured to occur when the certificate is close to expiry.

To have Virtualmin attempt to verify external Internet connectivity to your domain before requesting the certificate, use the --check-first flag. This will detect common errors before your Let’s Encrypt service quota is consumed.

To have Virtualmin perform a local validation check of the domain, use the --validate-first flag. This is automatically enabled when --check-first is set.

By default, the standard Let’s Encrypt service will be used. However, you can use a different ACME-compatible provider with the --server flag followed by the provider’s API URL. The --server-key and --server-hmac flags can be used to specify a login to the provider.

Command line help

virtualmin generate-letsencrypt-cert --domain name
                                    [--host hostname]*
                                    [--size bits]
                                    [--check-first | --validate-first]
                                    [--web | --dns]
                                    [--rsa | --ec]
                                    [--server url]
                                    [--server-key id]
                                    [--server-hmac string]