Outputs a list of backups that have been run

This command by default outputs logs of all backups made using Virtualmin, in a simple table format. To switch to a more detailed and parsable output format, add the --multiline flag to the command line.

To limit the display to backups that contain a specific domain, use the --domain flag followed by a virtual server name.

To limit to backups made by a particular Virtualmin user, use the --user flag followed by a username.

To only show backups made via the web UI, use the --mode cgi flag. To show scheduled backups, use --mode sched. Or to show backups made from the command line or remote API, use --mode api.

To only show backups that failed, add the --failed flag to the command line. Or to show backups that worked, use --succeeded. By default both are shown.

To limit the display to backups within some time range, use the --start flag followed by a date in yyyy-mm-dd format to only show backups that started on or after this date. Or use --end to only show backups that started before the following date.

Command line help

virtualmin list-backup-logs [--domain domain.name |
                            [--user name]
                            [--failed | --succeeded]
                            [--mode "cgi"|"sched"|"api"]
                            [--start yyyy-mm-dd]
                            [--end yyyy-mm-dd]