Lists all virtual servers

This program does not modify the system, but instead simply outputs a list of all existing virtual servers. By default, the list is a reader-friendly format, but the --multiline option can be used to display more details for each server, in a format suitable for parsing by other programs. The --domain option can be used to specify a single virtual server to list, in cases where you know exactly which server you are interested in.

To limit the domains to those owned by a single user, the --user parameter can be given, following by a domain owner’s name. You can also limit it to particular server types with the --alias, --no-alias, --subserver, --toplevel and --subdomain parameters.

To only show domains with a particular feature active, use the --with-feature parameter followed by a feature code like dns or web. Alternately, --without-feature can be used to show only domains without some feature enabled. The similar --with-web and --with-ssl flags can be used to show domains with any kind of website (Apache or Nginx).

To limit the list to virtual servers on some plan, use the --plan flag followed by a plan name or ID. Similarly, you can select only virtual servers created using some template with the --template flag, followed by an ID or name.

To show only domains owned by some reseller, use the --reseller flag followed by a reseller name. Or to list those not owned by any reseller, use the --no-reseller flag. Finally, to list domains owned by any reseller, you can use the --any-reseller option.

To show only domains that are enabled, use the --enabled flag. To show only disabled domains, use --disabled instead.

To limit the output to domains using a particular PHP execution mode, use the --php-mode flag followed by one of none, cgi, fcgid or fpm.

To search by IPv4 or IPv6 address, use the --ip flag followed by either kind of address. This will find domains using that address either exclusively or shared with other domains.

To find the domain that contains a mailbox, use the --mail-user flag followed by the full mailbox username (as used by FTP and IMAP).

To get a list of domain names only, use the --name-only parameter. To get just Virtualmin domain IDs, use --id-only. These are useful when iterating through domains in a script. You can also use --user-only to output only usernames, or --home-only to get just home directories, or --simple-multiline to get a faster subset of the information output in --multiline mode.

Command line help

virtualmin list-domains [--multiline | --name-only | --id-only |
                         --simple-multiline | --user-only |
                         --home-only | --file-only | --ip-only]
                        [--domain name]*
                        [--user name]*
                        [--mail-user name]*
                        [--id number]*
                        [--with-feature feature]
                        [--without-feature feature]
                        [--with-web] [--with-ssl]
                        [--alias domain | --no-alias]
                        [--subserver | --toplevel | --subdomain]
                        [--parent domain]
                        [--plan ID|name]
                        [--template ID|name]
                        [--disabled | --enabled]
                        [--php-mode cgi|fcgid|fpm]
                        [--ip address]
                        [--reseller name | --no-reseller |