Changes the owner limits for some virtual server

This command allows you to change various limits that apply to the owner of a virtual server when they are logged into the web interface. The domain to effect is selected with the --domain or --user flag, which must be followed by a top-level domain name or administrator’s username respectively.

To grant the domain owner access to some Virtualmin feature, such as mysql or webalizer, use the --allow flag followed by the feature code. To prevent access, use --disallow instead. Both flags can be given multiple times.

To change the number of domains that can be created, use the --max-doms flag followed by a number or the word UNLIMITED. To prevent him from creating domains at all, use --max-doms NONE. Separate limits can be imposed on the number of alias and non-alias domains with the --max-aliasdoms and --max-realdoms flags.

Limits on the numbers of databases, mailboxes and mail aliases that can be created are set with the --max-dbs, --max-mailboxes and --max-aliases flags respectively. Each must be followed either with a number, or the word UNLIMITED.

To grant the domain owner access to Virtualmin user interface capabilities such as editing aliases or users, the --can-edit flag should be used, followed by a capability code. Supported codes and their meanings are:

domain - Edit Virtual server details such as the description and password

users - Manage mail / FTP users

aliases - Manage email aliases

dbs - Manage databases

scripts - List and install scripts

ip - Change the IP address of virtual servers

dnsip - Change the externally visible (DNS) IP address of virtual servers

ssl - Generate and upload SSL certificates

forward - Setup proxying and frame forwarding

redirect - Create and edit website aliases and redirects

admins - Manage extra administrators

spam - Edit spam filtering, delivery and clearing settings

phpver - Change PHP versions

phpmode - Change website options and PHP execution mode

mail - Edit email-related settings

backup - Backup virtual servers

sched - Schedule automatic backups

restore - Restore virtual servers (databases and home directories only)

sharedips - Move to different shared IP addresses

catchall - Create catchall email aliases

html - Use the HTML editor

allowedhosts - Can edit the remote IPs allowed access to MySQL

passwd - Can change a virtual server’s password

spf - Can edit the DNS sender permitted from record

records - Can edit other DNS records

disable - Disable virtual servers

delete - Delete virtual servers

Access to capabilities can also be taken away with the --cannot-edit flag.

To restrict the virtual server owner to only installing certain scripts, you can use the --scripts flag followed by a quoted list of script codes. To grant access to all script installers, use the --all-scripts flag instead.

Command line help

virtualmin modify-limits --domain | --user name
                        [--max-doms max|UNLIMITED|NONE]
                        [--max-aliasdoms max|UNLIMITED]
                        [--max-realdoms max|UNLIMITED]
                        [--max-mailboxes max|UNLIMITED]
                        [--max-dbs max|UNLIMITED]
                        [--max-aliases max|UNLIMITED]
                        [--can-dbname] | [--cannot-dbname]
                        [--can-rename] | [--cannot-rename]
                        [--can-migrate] | [--cannot-migrate]
                        [--force-under] | [--noforce-under]
                        [--safe-under] | [--nosafe-under]
                        [--ipfollow] | [--noipfollow]
                        [--read-only] | [--read-write]
                        [--allow feature]*
                        [--disallow feature]*
                        [--can-edit capability]*
                        [--cannot-edit capability]*
                        [--shell nologin|ftp|ssh]