Modify attributes for an existing reseller

This command can be used to change the details of a single reseller. Its only mandatory parameter is --name, which must be followed by the reseller’s login name. The other parameters such as --pass, --desc and the --max options are the same as those for the create-reseller command.

The --allow parameter can be given multiple times to grant access to additional features to the reseller. Similarly, the --disallow feature can be used to take away access to features. Each instance of --disallow must be followed by the short code for the feature to remove, such as web or dns.

If you want the new reseller to use a custom IP address for created virtual servers, this can be specified with the --ip-address option followed by an IP active on your system. To remove any custom IP, use the --no-ip-address flag. For systems that support IPv6, the equivalent flags are --ip6-address and --no-ip6-address. Similarly, the default external IP address (for use in DNS records) can be set with the --external-ip-address and --no-external-ip-address flags.

Similarly, you can specify custom nameservers for the DNS domains he creates with the --nameserver flag. This can appear multiple times, and each instance must be followed by a valid nameserver hostname. To force use of the system default nameservers instead, use the --no-nameserver flag.

By default, resellers are allowed to select from any of the shared IP addresses on the system when creating new domains. The --cannot-sharedips flag can be used to prevent this, and the --can-sharedips flag to allow it.

If a plan already exists with the limits you want to apply to the reseller, you can use the --plan flag followed by a plan name. All domain, mailbox, alias and database limits will be copied, along with quotas, the bandwidth limit and allowed features.

Addition reseller permissions can be granted or removed with the flags:

--can-schedule-backups - Schedule and run backups

--can-backups - Run backups manually

--can-plans or --cannot-plans - Create and edit plans

--can-admins or --cannot-admins - Create and edit extra admins

--can-create or --cannot-create - Create virtual servers

--can-rename or --cannot-rename - Rename virtual servers

--can-edit or --cannot-edit - Edit virtual servers

--can-delete or --cannot-delete - Delete virtual servers

--can-proxy or --cannot-proxy - Manage proxy paths and create proxy virtual servers

A Unix account for the reseller can be enabled with the --unix flag, or disabled with the --no-unix flag.

You can control whether this reseller is allowed to create and edit other resellers with the --can-create-resellers or --cannot-create-resellers flag.

Command line help

virtualmin modify-reseller --name login
                          [--pass password | --passfile password-file]
                          [--lock | --unlock]
                          [--desc description]
                          [--email address]
                          [--max-doms number]
                          [--max-topdoms number]
                          [--max-aliasdoms number]
                          [--max-realdoms number]
                          [--max-quota number]
                          [--max-mailboxes number]
                          [--max-aliases number]
                          [--max-dbs number]
                          [--max-bw number]
                          [--allow feature]*
                          [--disallow feature]*
                          [--plan name|id]
                          [--read-only] | [--read-write]
                          [--subdom forced.parent | --no-subdom]
                          [--logo url|"none" | --no-logo]
                          [--link url | --no-link]
                          [--ip-address address | --no-ip-address]
                          [--ip6-address ipv6.address | --no-ip6-address]
                          [--can-sharedips | --cannot-sharedips]
                          [--external-ip-address address | --no-external-ip-address]
                          [--nameserver hostname | --no-nameserver]*
                          [--can-plans | --cannot-plans]
                          [--can-admins | --cannot-admins]
                          [--can-create | --cannot-create]
                          [--can-edit | --cannot-edit]
                          [--can-rename | --cannot-rename]
                          [--can-delete | --cannot-delete]
                          [--can-proxy | --cannot-proxy]
                          [--can-create-resellers | --cannot-create-resellers]
                          [--can-schedule-backups | --can-backups | --cannot-backups]
                          [--can-migrate | --cannot-migrate]
                          [--unix | --no-unix]