This tutorial guides you through the use of the web-based HTML file manager within Virtualmin, which is a versatile tool for file management on your server.

Accessing and navigating the file manager

The file manager in Virtualmin is a powerful interface for administrators and users to access and modify files.

  1. Click Virtualmin
    Select the Virtualmin section located on the top-left of the dashboard.

  2. Open File Manager
    Find and click the File Manager link to view the files within the document root directory of the virtual server:

File manager features

The file manager interface allows you to perform a variety of file operations. Here’s how you can use the features depicted in the screenshot provided above:

  • Directory tree: On the left panel, you’ll see a directory tree that lists all the directories you have access to. You can navigate through these directories by clicking on them.

  • File and directory listing: The main pane shows the contents of the selected directory, including files and subdirectories.

  • Selecting items: You can select files or directories for further actions by checking the box next to their names.

  • File management options: With the selected file(s), you can perform tasks such as:

    • Create new symbolic link: Establish a symbolic link to another file or directory within the server.
    • Create new file: Initiate a blank file or script from scratch.
    • Create new directory: Organize your files better by adding new directories.
    • Create new archive: Compress files and directories into an archive for efficient storage and transfer.
    • Transfer: Seamlessly upload and download files to the server.
    • Copy/cut/paste: Duplicate or move files within the server.
    • Delete: Remove files or directories.
    • Rename: Change the name of a file or directory.
    • Download: Save files to your local computer.
    • Encrypt: Secure your files by encryption.
    • Properties: View and modify file attributes, such as permissions or ownership.
  • File information: The bottom section of the file manager displays the details of the selected file, such as name, size, owner, permissions, and last modification date.

  • Actions menu: The top toolbar contains actions like Select all, Invert selection, Refresh, and other quick options to manage files efficiently.

File manager keyboard shortcuts

In the file manager, alongside standard point-and-click operations, you can use the following keyboard shortcuts for quick actions.

  • Quick search: Start typing to search for files immediately.
  • Cursor navigation: Use the up/down arrows, pgup/pgdn, home, and end to move the cursor.
  • Directory navigation: Press enter to open a directory and backspace to go back to the previous directory.
  • Context menu: Right-click or use Alt + right-click to open the context menu for more options.
  • Select/Deselect files: Use Ctrl + A to select all, Ctrl + Shift + A to deselect all, or * to invert selection.
  • File operations: Press F2 to change permissions, F3 to view, F4 to edit, F6 to rename, F7 to create a new directory, and F8 to delete.
  • File properties: Press Ctrl + I or Alt + Enter to show file properties.
  • Manual path entry: Use Ctrl + L to enter a path manually.
  • Creating new items: Use Shift + F4 to create a new file and Shift + F7 for search functionality.
  • Compress/decompress: Use Alt + F5 to compress and Alt + F6 to decompress files.
  • Data management: Use Ctrl + S to calculate selected size and F9/F10 for downloading/uploading to the current directory.
  • Tab management: Open a new tab with Ctrl + spacebar, close it with Ctrl + Shift + spacebar, switch tabs with Ctrl + ⏴ or Ctrl + ⏵, and jump to a tab using Ctrl + 1..9.
  • Clipboard operations: Use Ctrl + Alt + C to copy the file path, and Ctrl + C, Ctrl + X, and Ctrl + V for copy, cut, and paste operations.
  • Refresh: Refresh the current directory with F5 or Ctrl + R.

By familiarizing yourself with these features, you can effectively manage your server’s files directly from your web browser.