smf install borked?

I tried to install a smf forum using the install scripts feature and when I tried to access it got the message described here:

I then made a new folder in the document root for the domain called forum and it worked as expected. I also did this for another domain to check. In both cases the manual install produced a working smf forum while the script led to the message:

Connection Problems Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.

So (the script's default name) gives the error, doesn't.

It seems to me that this script may need tuning. It was the point of getting VMPro that I wouldn't need to do the tuning.


Closed (fixed)


Odd, it works fine for me. Was this SMF 1.11.1 you were installing?

Also, which PHP execution mode is set at Server Configuration -> Website Options ?

Apache mod_php (run as Apache's user) is set in website options

Powered by SMF 1.1.8 is the one I was able to successfully install by hand.


Ok, I see the bug now .. some permissions were not set correctly for mod_php mode.

This will be fixed in Virtualmin 3.76. A work-around till then is to use fcgid mode for the domain.

Thank you very much. That works nicely.


Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.