Webmin Modules within Virtualmin menu - changeable?

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#1 Wed, 02/03/2010 - 00:54

Webmin Modules within Virtualmin menu - changeable?

On the left hand side, there is a selection in the menu title "Webmin Modules" in Virtualmin. I was hoping that it would show all enabled webmin modules for the user, but alas it does not.

Is there a screen to set which modules show up there? I'd like to turn off the webmin tab, so that all modules show in in Virtualmin.

Wed, 12/22/2010 - 18:31

Click on 'configure this page' in the upper right of the content page and look at the following settings:

Default mode on left menu (virtualmin)

Apply to all users?

Show Webmin tab on left menu?

Thu, 12/23/2010 - 19:57

There indeed seem to be a few bugs at play here.

a) Not all Webmin modules show up in Vmin's "Webmin Modules" list, e.g. "Linux RAID" and "ADSL Client" (that's two of those I tested) show up only when I set the left-menu mode to "Webmin".

b) When I change the available modules for server owners, under System Settings -> Virtualmin Config -> Server administrator permissions : Extra Webmin modules..., the changes are (at least partially) not applied to existing Webmin users. Same examples as above... "Linux RAID" and "ADSL Client", which I activated as a test, were not turned on for existing Webmin users although Update all Webmin users was set to "Yes". I had to turn off and on the feature "Webmin login" for the domain in question, and then the newly created Webmin user had the correct module rights set.

I'll create a bug report concerning this.

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