The ProFTPD module uses a deprecated directive for "bind to address"

Under Networking Options of a "Virtual Server".

Webmin adds the directive Bind to the config file, which is deprecated and causes an error upon checking config / restarting ProFTPD.

According to the documentation, the new directive to do this is DefaultAddress, which, at least on my system, seems to be ignored though when I have it at top-level of the config file.

Even when I add a <VirtualHost> block to the config file, ProFTPD still binds to This one looks like a bug in ProFTPD.

Closed (fixed)


Yeah, it looks like "Bind" was used between ProFTP versions 1.1.6 - 1.3.0rc1. The preferred (or apparently, now required) option for specifying the listening IP is indeed "DefaultAddress".

The "DefaultAddress" option is in ProFTP starting in version 1.2.7rc1.

I'm passing this along to Jamie so he can work his magic coding fingers :-)

Yep that's right. I trust in those coding fingers as well! :)

You might want to make some tests then too, whether the IP binding of ProFTPD changes when adding DefaultAddress. As I said, for me it didn't, at least not during my quick test.

Thanks guys - I will fix that in the 1.540 Webmin release.