Virtualmin added to Webmin

It would appear by adding Virtualmin Module to Webmin, the set-up does not complete correctly, leaving mail well and truly not working correctly.

I have seen so many entries on the web, about trying to fix the email problems created using the above method of installation. (In future I will not use Webmin and add Virtualmin, just install Virtualmin standalone).

It is about time, someone from Virtualmin/Webmin actually tries to fix this and ensure that new installation have at least a chance for it to work.

Currently I am seeing 554 errors to and 550 errors to supranet servers. This would suggest that there is indeed a problem with the DNS/Postfix settings. It would appear that the actual host machines' name is being used for rDNS, rather than the sending domain.

Could anyone provide information about working systems (please remove your own virtual domain names and replace with etc).

I am considering removing Virtualmin and just setting the server up using my knowledge of DNS/Postfix of which I have about 30 years experience.

Come on the 'min' guys, provide a system that does not put people off, your system and provide something that is actually a good alternative to cPanel and Plesk.

Closed (fixed)


Howdy -- there are two ways to install Virtualmin -- a manual method, or an automated method.

We recommend using the automated installer, which handles all the configuration for you.

If you opt to install the Virtualmin module manually, on an existing system, you would need to manually configure your server with the changes the automated installer makes.

In the case of a manual installation, Virtualmin unfortunately can't make all those changes for you, as there's an unlimited number of configuration combinations that could be present.

If an admin wishes to perform a manual installation, there are manual installation instructions here:

We highly recommend the automated installation though, as it handles all the configuration for you.

If you have any questions about how to get your installation working, please feel free to ask in the Forums, and we can go over your setup there.