SPF ip6 enabled Hack

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#1 Tue, 08/27/2013 - 11:30

SPF ip6 enabled Hack

This hack is to enable Virtualmin to display and edit ipv6 SPF records.

First locate where the webmin install is located then open the file "virtual-server/edit_spf.cgi"

On line 23

# Extra a, mx, ip4
$edspf = $spf || $defspf;
foreach $t ('a', 'mx', 'ip4', 'include') {
print &ui_table_row(&hlink($text{'spf_'.$t}, 'spf_'.$t),
     join("\n", @{$edspf->{$t.':'}}), 3, 40));

Change to

# Extra a, mx, ip4 and ip6
$edspf = $spf || $defspf;
foreach $t ('a', 'mx', 'ip4', 'ip6', 'include') {
print &ui_table_row(&hlink($text{'spf_'.$t}, 'spf_'.$t),
     join("\n", @{$edspf->{$t.':'}}), 3, 40));

Close file.

Open "virtual-server/lang/en"

add the line

setup_eip6=Missing or invalid IPv6 address

close the file.

Open "virtual-server/save_spf.cgi"


elsif ($a eq "ip4") {
# Must be a valid IP or IP/cidr or IP/mask
&check_ipaddress($v) ||
  ($v =~ /^([0-9\.]+)\/(\d+)$/ &&
   $2 > 0 && $2 <= 32 &&
   &check_ipaddress("$1")) ||
  ($v =~ /^([0-9\.]+)\/([0-9\.]+)$/ &&
   &check_ipaddress("$1") &&
   &check_ipaddress("$2")) ||
&error(&text('spf_e'.$t, $v));

Add after

elsif ($a eq "ip6") {
                                # Must be a valid IP or IP/cidr or IP/mask
#This needs to be completed

Close file.

Make the file "virtual-server/help/spf_ip6.html" and open it paste

<header>Allowed sender IP addresses</header>

This field is similar to <b>Allowed sender hostnames</b>, but is for entering
IP addresses of systems that also send email from this domain, and do not
have hostnames. <p>


Close file

Open "virtual-server/modify-dns.pl"

go to line 80

you should see

elsif ($a =~ /^--spf-add-(a|mx|ip4)$/) {
$add = shift(@ARGV);
$type = $1;
$add =~ /^[a-z0-9\.\-\_]+$/ ||
    &usage("$a must be followed by a hostname or IP address");
push(@{$add{$type}}, $add);
elsif ($a =~ /^--spf-remove-(a|mx|ip4)$/) {
$rem = shift(@ARGV);
$type = $1;
$rem =~ /^[a-z0-9\.\-\_]+$/ ||
    &usage("$a must be followed by a hostname or IP address");
push(@{$rem{$type}}, $rem);

change this to

elsif ($a =~ /^--spf-add-(a|mx|ip4|ip6)$/) {
$add = shift(@ARGV);
$type = $1;
$add =~ /^[a-z0-9\.\-\_]+$/ ||
    &usage("$a must be followed by a hostname or IP address");
push(@{$add{$type}}, $add);
elsif ($a =~ /^--spf-remove-(a|mx|ip4|ip6)$/) {
$rem = shift(@ARGV);
$type = $1;
$rem =~ /^[a-z0-9\.\-\_]+$/ ||
    &usage("$a must be followed by a hostname or IP address");
push(@{$rem{$type}}, $rem);

I think that's all I changed.

Now when you look at the DNS Options you should see a section for IPv6 address's.

Also you can now use modify-dns.pl to add ip6 SPF records.


virtual-server/modify-dns.pl --all-domains --spf-add-ip6 2a90:490:190:4fff::ffff
Tue, 08/27/2013 - 12:36

Thanks for this patch / suggestion. I will incorporate and equivalent change into the next Virtualmin release.


Tue, 08/27/2013 - 17:37 (Reply to #2)

Cool. Like I wrote in one of the comments and meant to mention. This does not check the ipv6 address is in a real address so no error checking. but you know what to fix for that better then me :)

I only wrote this due to Google stepping up there anti spam on ipv6 recently and mail was not SPF passing :(

Tue, 08/27/2013 - 18:10 (Reply to #3)

Yes, I added a check to ensure that the IPv6 address is in the correct format.


Wed, 08/28/2013 - 19:25 (Reply to #4)

I look forward to seeing this soon ish LOL

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