DNS record for sub-servers or sub-domains

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#1 Sat, 04/18/2015 - 01:26

DNS record for sub-servers or sub-domains

Ubuntu 14.04

Virtualmin 4.16 GPL

Parent domain: one.com (dns zone file created)

Created sub-domain test.one.com with only DNS enabled.

Virtualmin creates a record in one.com zone file, which is what is anticipated. Great!

Now, create a new virtual server two.com as a sub-server and select one.com to be a parent server.

two.com enabled features: DNS only.

Virtualmin creates two.com with a new DNS zone file, which is what is anticipated. Great!

Now, create a new virtual server test.two.com as a sub-domain (important!).

test.two.com enabled features: DNS only.

Virtualmin creates test.two.com with a new DNS zone file, which is what is NOT anticipated. Instead it should add a record to existing two.com zone file.



Mon, 04/20/2015 - 10:21


Yes, the default is to create a new DNS zone for each Virtual Server.

If you like though, you could go into Server Configuration -> Server Templates -> Default -> BIND DNS Domain, and there you can set "Add sub-domain DNS records to parent domain?" to "Yes".


Mon, 04/20/2015 - 12:46

I forgot to mention that "Add sub-domain DNS records to parent domain?" is set to Yes, but its still create separate dns zone file. That is the reason for my concern.

It should write to existing zone file.

Wed, 04/20/2016 - 15:56

Any update on this?

"Add sub-domain DNS records to parent domain?" doesn't seem to work for sub-domains of add-on domains.

Fri, 12/08/2017 - 11:55

Can someone please test this functionality with their setup to confirm its working? I'm running Virtualmin 6.02 and can confirm that sub-domains aren't being added to their parent domains. Before I open a bug report on this I'd like to confirm it's not something on my end.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a server template with "yes" selected for "Add sub-domain DNS records to parent domain?" in the "Bind DNS Domain" section of the template
2. Create a new virtual server with domain name example.com
3. Create a sub-server named test.example.com under the example.com domain using the template created in step 1
4. Did Virtualmin create a separate zone file for test.example.com? You can check by examining the zones in the Bind DNS module or by examining the zones in /var/named/

Wed, 12/13/2017 - 09:20

This is being fixed. See this bug report: https://www.virtualmin.com/node/54657

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