After Adding Cloudflare Can't access Email (:20000)

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#1 Thu, 10/22/2015 - 10:30

After Adding Cloudflare Can't access Email (:20000)


I added cloudflare dns for one of my server and the website is working fine except I cant access my mail server at

its giving me following error

"504 Gateway Time-out"

any help please.

Mon, 10/26/2015 - 13:19


or without the https if you're not SSL enabled?

That would normally be a DNS record for your domain that is NOT directed through Cloudflare. (that is, no oragne cloud on the DNS panel.) You're going to have to use a subdomain name that is NOT Cloudflare enabled -- this is usually direct, or ftp, or admin -- depends on what you have set up on Cloudflare. The 10000 and 20000 ports aren't going to be able to connect to your Cloudflare servver.

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