Shopping cart and license manager upgrades

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#1 Mon, 07/25/2016 - 01:01
Joe's picture

Shopping cart and license manager upgrades

Howdy all,

In the continuing saga of misery that is our Drupal 7 upgrade, I've finally fixed a couple of the more annoying issues with the shopping cart:

  1. Printable invoices now work (kinda, though I don't love the way they work). They are generated automatically for all new orders once paid in full, but will need to be generated by an administrator for existing orders (I know this is annoying, but we're happy to do it for anyone that needs printed invoices for taxes or whatever else; just open a ticket, and we'll generate invoices for all of your orders that have been paid, ASAP). Once generated, they appear in your orders list under the "Printable Invoice" column, and will appear there forever.
  2. Serial number is now included in the order line items for your existing orders. This will make it easier for everyone to know which licenses are valid, which licenses need to be billed, etc. You can see this by looking at any orders placed since the upgrade (order numbers greater than 20000). Orders placed before the Drupal 7 migration have no licenses associated with them; we handle those old licenses via another (mostly manual) process, and we'll eventually figure out a way to merge them.

I'm planning to make several other enhancements to the cart and license manager this week; I wanted to roll these out, as their lack has been such a big annoyance for everyone. But, they're part of a bigger set of changes to make it possible for you to cancel your own subscriptions with the click of a button, and to upgrade and downgrade licenses easily.

The other big change I'm working on is the ability to update your own billing details, remove cards, etc.

Also, new Webmin and Virtualmin versions are coming this week. (Yay, something fun, instead of tedious!)



Mon, 07/25/2016 - 08:10
Diabolico's picture

The amount of time you spent dealing with Drupal you could be close to developing new CMS. I check with Drupal 8 and it shifted even more to "enterprise" market what means they dropped any chance that Drupal will ever again come close to be "friendly". Almost every software marked as "enterprise" is actually asking for full time or at minimum part time programmer/developer.

But its nice to hear that new versions of Webmin and Virtualmin are soon to be out.

- I often come to the conclusion that my brain has too many tabs open. -
Failing at desktop publishing & graphic design since 1994.

Tue, 07/26/2016 - 19:22 (Reply to #2)
Joe's picture

It's probably not been quite that much time, and I really don't want to develop a CMS, but I think I've learned my lesson and am very unlikely to ever deploy Drupal again. I like some of the things they're doing in Drupal 8, but migration from 6 to 7 was the worst migration I've ever done...even including the migration from OpenACS to Joomla and the migration from Joomla to Drupal 6. It's been nearly disastrous for the company (billing problems led to us making almost no money for a couple of months and even now our revenue is way down due to issues with recurring orders, updating card data, etc.). It's getting sorted out, slowly but surely, and hopefully we'll be back to the good old days of making enough money to pay ourselves a modest salary any day now. ;-)

In short, the next, whenever that happens, will not run Drupal, though I don't know what it'll be, since there aren't many options that cover everything we need.

Anyway, keep the feedback coming about things you want to see from the site; I still have a big long todo list, but sometimes it helps to prioritize things when I know what's causing people pain or preventing them from participating and/or buying.


Check out the forum guidelines!

Sun, 09/25/2016 - 04:03 (Reply to #3)

WordPress and EasyDigitalDownloads FTW :)

Wed, 01/25/2017 - 05:07

and xenforo for the forum!

Wed, 01/25/2017 - 11:12
Diabolico's picture

Any forum is better than this, but yeah when it comes to represent some serious project than a classic forum like xenforo, vbulletin... even SMF (avast is using it) is something i expect.

- I often come to the conclusion that my brain has too many tabs open. -
Failing at desktop publishing & graphic design since 1994.

Wed, 01/25/2017 - 11:39 (Reply to #7)

well vbulletin is dying. xenforo now is the best (not free) forum software out there IMHO.

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