S3 backup says successful - no files actually uploaded

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#1 Mon, 02/06/2017 - 03:16

S3 backup says successful - no files actually uploaded


Got my virtualmin configured to backup 1 file per domain. When it runs, whether on a schedule or not, it runs through, and everything is reported at working, as below:

Uploading archive to Amazon's S3 service .. .. done

However, the files would should be uploaded to my s3 account are not there.

I have no idea where the files are, but virtualmin thinks its working... I tried running the command on the terminal, virtualmin backup-domain --all-domains --dest s3:///backups/backup-%Y-%M-%d --newformat --all-features --strftime

It ran ok, but then reported the following at the end.... any ideas?

Uploading archive to Amazon's S3 service ..

The config profile () could not be found

Are these 2 things linked?

