Admin link not working anymore

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#1 Wed, 10/04/2017 - 04:21

Admin link not working anymore

Hi! We installed webmin and virtualmin following DigitalOceans install guide. (Ubuntu).

We got everything working and were able to set up lots of user accounts.

Everything was working without problems yesterday, byt today we are not able to login to admin anymore.

Still all users webpages and FTP logins work, just not when we try to login with :10000?

We did a lot of fine tuning on the server like we set default account when looking at www. could this be messing things up?

We run a setup for a school where all the students gets a subdomain ie

The server hosts its own DNS and routing. SSH through terminal works.

Links for testing.

Domain is A account example

thanks / Janne

Wed, 10/04/2017 - 04:27

Sorry, my bad. Problem [SOLVED]

After trying everything i started thinking of what is different from yesterday? WE ARE AT THE SCHOOL. And their wifi blocks :1000... Tethering through my phone and everything works.

Sorry / j

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