Mail Alias Forwarding

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#1 Sun, 09/24/2006 - 21:13

Mail Alias Forwarding

I am on the mail alias screen and have two problems....

I can't seem to get this feature accessiable to the domain owener. I set what I thought was the correct permission but the owner gets a message saying they can't edit mail aliases.

How can I have one or more different emails & get a copy of emails sent to my alias:

Thanks for any help!

Tue, 09/26/2006 - 17:24


Mon, 10/09/2006 - 17:09


Tue, 10/10/2006 - 01:53
Joe's picture

Hey Jim,

Sorry for the slow reply...for some reason I thought this one was being discussed in a customer issue, but that was something else.

To enable mail alias creation for the domain owner:

Select the domain in the dropdown

Click "Edit Owner Limits" in the "Administration Options" menu

Check the box beside "Can manage aliases" in the "Edit capabilities for virtual servers" section.

Save it.

You can do the same in the Server Templates that you use. It is in the "Default owner limits" section of the Template edit page.


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