php-fpm on centos

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#1 Sat, 08/11/2018 - 15:43

php-fpm on centos

I just installed the latest virtualmin GPL version on a pristine centos 7.5 server and all worked out of the box, which is great. But then I started looking around for the php version and it seems it installed the basic 5.4 (totally outdated) and also the SCL version of php 7.0. Here's my first question: why not also php 5.6 and 7.1 from SCL? Not a big deal, but would provide a better default experience.

Next, I saw that when using fpm, it uses the php-fpm from PHP 5.4, and I can't seem to find a way to make it use another fpm version. When uninstalling the rpm php-fpm (but leaving rh-php70-php-fpm installed), virtualmin no longer finds fpm ... any suggestions? Starting the service rh-php70-php-fpm doesn't help (virtualmin checkconfig still reports no fpm found then).

Third: it seems the general consensus is to not use mod_php, which is fine by me. But when not using it, I can also uninstall it. But when uninstalling the rpm php (that provides the php5 apache module), virtualmin detects correctly that mod_php is no longer an option, but the resulting apache config file still has a line containing php_admin_value , which of course fails. So it seems like the php5 module needs to be installed and loaded into apache ... any idea on how to get rid of these php5 dependencies?
