HTTPS not working!

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#1 Sat, 03/02/2019 - 23:28

HTTPS not working!

I installed ssl certificate correctly and open my website in the browser. I should set advanced to allow the connection to use https however it should automatically redirect to https and when I open it in mobile device it doesn't even show that 'advanced' to allow https connection. TOTALLY IT DOESN'T WORK WITH HTTPS. How can I fix it? thanks

Sun, 03/03/2019 - 00:30

There is no automatic redirection to HTTPS unless you add a script on your website to do it so or you created a DNS entry to forward the connection to HTTPS. Since you did not add your domain in your question, there wont be anyway to check what is wrong with your setup. Before asking any question, provider first the critical info about your problem. We are not mind readers to start.

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