FreeBSD -- latest update breaks features

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#1 Fri, 02/15/2008 - 07:36

FreeBSD -- latest update breaks features

The latest (1.4) update to webmin appears to have broken the quotas module, thus breaking the quota feature in virtualmin.

System hostname Operating system FreeBSD 6.1 Webmin version 1.400 Virtualmin version 3.51 (Pro)

From "Disk and Network Filesystems -> Edit Mount (/usr)"

Save Mount? Save and mount at boot Check filesystem at boot? Check Second Read Only : No Buffer Writes : Yes Execute binaries : Yes Dissalow suid : No Update access : Yes User Quotas at Boot : Enabled Group Quotas at Boot : Enabled

Output of repquota /usr : Block limits File limits User used soft hard grace used soft hard grace root -- 4745884 0 0 - 306212 0 0 - man -- 290 0 0 - 131 0 0 - www -- 327732 0 0 - 872 0 0 - mysql -- 241208 0 0 - 2303 0 0 - 500 -- 2860 0 0 - 499 0 0 - 501 -- 492 0 0 - 147 0 0 - 504 -- 304 0 0 - 45 0 0 - icicheck -- 462 204800 0 - 120 0 0 - jhorland -- 43824 0 0 - 140 0 0 - shadow -- 20 0 0 - 10 0 0 - cash -- 4 50124 0 - 3 0 0 - wreckio -- 35154 819200 0 - 1426 0 0 - sevos -- 63404 204800 0 - 1220 0 0 - jpsevos -- 20622 102400 0 - 60 0 0 - beanocchio -- 16856 204800 0 - 243 0 0 - info-cup -- 2 0 0 - 1 0 0 - darrell-cup -- 2 0 0 - 1 0 0 - arthur -- 21014 204800 0 - 1329 0 0 - nycrhps -- 7920 204800 0 - 584 0 0 - cmais -- 250986 1048576 0 - 5332 0 0 - absolute -- 10178 204800 0 - 74 0 0 - -snip- etc....

the other odd problem is that I now get an error when trying to restore a server from a backup :

Extracting backup archive file .. .. extraction of /usr/local/tmp//955551_2_restore.cgi failed! imaginarystudio.com_dir: (Empty error message) tar: (Empty error message)<br><br>Post edited by: JeremyHorland, at: 2008/02/15 07:49

Mon, 02/18/2008 - 10:14
Joe's picture

This look-a-like-a-bug. Wonder why it's in the forums rather than the bug tracker? We could talk about it, if you like, but I think fixing it would be better. ;-)


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