Limit maximum email sent per client.

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#1 Wed, 12/02/2009 - 04:04
Dim Git

Limit maximum email sent per client.

Hi people,

I am megga peeved.

I have jumped through hoops to ensure that there are no reasons for the IP of a server to be blacklisted and I have finally cleared the IP from various blacklists.

Last night one of my clients had their local server compromised and as far as I can see 60,000 plus emails were sent. Result = BLACKLISTED. :-(

I have disabled the account whilst they fix their problem.

Obviously it would be a good idea if I could at least limit the damage should this happen again.

Soooo, I think that if I could limit the number of emails sent per user/day I would at least be safer.

Can this be achieved within WM/VM ? If so can reports/warnings be sent to admin or whoever.?

If I have missed this somewhere, apologies.

Thanks for reading.


Wed, 12/02/2009 - 07:27

Last night one of my clients had their local server compromised and as far as I can see 60,000 plus emails were sent.

Heh, I hate it when that happens :-)

Soooo, I think that if I could limit the number of emails sent per user/day I would at least be safer.

I'm unfortunately not aware of a way to do that with Postfix.

You can tinker with settings such as smtp_destination_rate_delay and relay_destination_rate_delay:

Fri, 12/04/2009 - 01:43
Dim Git

Thanks again Eric. As per another post, I'm too thick to take a chance of messing it all up.



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