ssl for 2 domains with 1 IP

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#1 Sun, 02/28/2010 - 16:21

ssl for 2 domains with 1 IP


I have virtualmin version 3.77.gpl installed on fedora with 7 domains on it I need to set up 2 ssl for 2 diffrent domains on my server .

after I set the first domain with ssl i try to set the second domain but I get this : The following potention problems were detected with the modification of this virtual server : SSL cannot be enabled as there is already an Apache virtual host on IP address xx.xx.xx.xx and port 443 Are you sure you want to continue?

how can I set the second domain with just one IP ?



Sun, 02/28/2010 - 16:25


You're seeing a limitation of SSL -- you can only have one SSL certificate per IP address.

Your options are to either get another IP address, or to use a UCC SSL cert that has multiple domains stored in it.


Sun, 02/28/2010 - 23:52

so I can't do it with virtual IP or virtual Port ?

Mon, 03/01/2010 - 18:33

If you have another IP you can assign to your virtual host - then yes. You can do that. But not two domains on a single SSL.

Unless it is a domain like . then setup a wildcare ssl.

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