how to install phpmyadmin in virtualmin?

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#1 Mon, 05/24/2010 - 05:22

how to install phpmyadmin in virtualmin?

Hello once again...i'd like to ask,is there a way to install phpmyadmin in virualmin, and, how can it be accessed by all my domains?

Thanks in advice..

Mon, 05/24/2010 - 21:14

I have the some problem with you .

I had download the php.tgz match with your OS (CentOS , Ubunta , etc.....)

untar it and put the phpmyadmin folder under the /home/domain/public_html/

After that , you can access it by " "

Tue, 05/25/2010 - 00:49

so,you managed to install phpmyadmin for one domain-if i'm right..... and now you need to access phpmyadmin from all other domains too?

someone said this..

I just installed phpMyAdmin in usr/share, edited php.config.ini to use http based authenticaion, and added the alias

/php ---> /usr/share/phpmyadmin/

in Webmin's control panel for the Apache default server Aliases and Redirects setting as "Document directory alias".

Hope it will help you................

Mon, 07/26/2010 - 13:53

When I create the alias, as mentioned in solution above, Virtualmin creates the alias as a type "Redirect to URL" even though I selected the "Directory on this system" option and entered the path in that field. Tried it several times with same results.

Any ideas?

Also, can someone point me to the location of the file "php.conf.ini"?


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