problems Nginx + Apache2 + VIrtualmin

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#1 Thu, 03/22/2012 - 06:23

problems Nginx + Apache2 + VIrtualmin


The following problems have occurred with the use of Nginx (port 80) Apache2 (82): 1. When migrating from old server to the new does not automatically change the port Apache from 80 to 82 (when i change in console) into /etc/webmin/virtual-server/domains/ * 2. When i disable the domain in webmin conosole, web-sites continue working (static) and dynamic issue an error connecting to the database, instead of reporting website disabled. Nginx conf files are automatically created for sites with scripting.

Tell me please how to solve these problems.

P/S Sorry for my english,

Best regards, Yaroslav

Sun, 04/08/2012 - 11:32
Topic locked