controlling the page timeout

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#1 Tue, 11/24/2015 - 23:35

controlling the page timeout

hello -

i am trying download a media file from the server. however, the URL is really a process running a convert utility being manipulated behind the scenes thanks to .htaccess rewrite.

the problem is sometimes the conversion procedure might take over a minute and we are getting a gateway timeout error.

is there a way in virtualmin to change the timeout? i read something about ProxyTimeout but was not sure in VM where it is or how/where to change it.

thank you.

Wed, 11/25/2015 - 09:34


Sure! You can change the website timeout in Server Configuration -> Website Options, and there you can change "Maximum PHP script run time".


Wed, 11/25/2015 - 12:06

thank you - i am certainly willing to try this, although the script is not PHP but rather node.js. would this criteria also apply to non-php scripts?

UPDATE: no change. i upped the number to four minutes and continue to get this:

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request GET /convertAudioFormat/ogg/. Reason: Error reading from remote server

funny thing - its as if there is a one-minute timeout somewhere and i cant figure out where it is. if the server process takes under a minute it works fine. but as soon as it goes over that one-minute mark, i get the proxy error.

Wed, 11/25/2015 - 12:14

i did find this in the apache httpd.conf file:

# Timeout: The number of seconds before receives and sends time out.
TimeOut 60

i am going to bump it up to 240 - is this something i should do in virtualmin instead? or should i even be messing with this?

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