Mail and FTP Users

I created several users with the Edit Mail and FTP Users. Everything works great now. One of my users mail stopped working. I went in to check the account and he was maxed out 50mgs. This user account is only e-mail, no databases or anything else. Of course upping his quota fix the issue but where is that 50mgs at? I look at his mail box and there is only about about 5 e-mails in there and no attatchements.

Any thoughts?

Closed (fixed)


Just checked his home directory and its only showing 144k total. /home/domain/homes/username but the system is showing him above 50mgs, the other accounts are reporting properly.

Check if the user has files elsewhere on the system, such as in /tmp . You can do this with a command like :

find / -user username.domain -type f

[root@123cart ~]# find / -user "" -type f find: invalid argument' to-user' [root@123cart ~]#

You need to replace "" with the IMAP / POP3 login for the user .. this may actually be like l.smith.123cart , depending on how your system is setup.

You can see it on the Edit Mail and FTP Users page.