Problem With MediaWiki Script Installer


I have setup a sever template to install MediaWiki on server creation and the MediaWiki installer fails. I get the following:

Installing mediawiki version 1.15.1 .. Configuring Apache PHP settings .. .. already done.

Creating MySQL database progressfundraising_mediawiki .. .. done .. options problem detected : Missing wiki option


1) I moved the MySQL data directory to the home partition (/home/mysql/).

2) I am using Virtualmin GPL upgraded to Pro on EC2 and need the databases off the instance partition. So, I attached an EBS volume at /home. Trying to take advantage of the reserved instance pricing in case you’re wondering why I didn’t go with the paid AMI for Virtualmin Pro.

3) More info here:

I can upload my entire server setup procedure if need be. However, I would need to mark the issue as ‘private’ in that case,



Closed (fixed)


Ok, I see the problem here .. normally when you install MediaWiki, it asks you for a name for your new wiki .. but there is no place to enter this when setting up script install from a template.

Would you be happy if the wiki name just defaulted to the domain name?

That would be fine with me.

Ok ... in that case, just replace the file /usr/libexec/webmin/virtual-server/scripts/ with the one attached to this bug report.

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.