Apache problem with proxy


I have Apache proxy. Below I have my Apache proxy config file. The Apache proxy for most of my site works however I have one page that has a anz dash board on it. That the content is being filtering out from all the rest of the content on that page. So the page comes up but with no anz dash board information. Would have any ideas? See below:

<VirtualHost 10.10.1.xxx:80>
ServerName cms.somename.com
ServerAlias webmail.cms.somename.com
ServerSignature On

ProxyVia On

# prevent your web server from being used as global HTTP proxy
<LocationMatch "^[^/]">
Deny from all

<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
allow from all

# Balance load between 3.x.x ZEO front-ends
<Proxy "balancer://lbesa">
BalancerMember http://10.10.1.xxx:8080
BalancerMember http://10.10.1.xxx:8081
BalancerMember http://10.10.1.xxx:8082
BalancerMember http://10.10.1.xxx:8083

RewriteEngine On
# prevent access to ZMI through apache
RewriteCond    %{QUERY_STRING}  (.*)
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ balancer://lbesa/VirtualHostBase/http/%{SERVER_NAME}:80/site2/xxx/VirtualHostRoot/$1?%1 [L,P]

ProxyRequests On
ProxyVia On
CacheRoot "/home/cms/tmp"
CacheEnable disk /
CacheDirLevels 5
CacheDirLength 3

SetOutputFilter proxy-html
RequestHeader  unset Accept-Encoding

<Files awstats.pl>
AuthName "cms.net statistics"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /home/cms/.awstats-htpasswd
require valid-user

ErrorLog /var/log/virtualmin/cms.somename.com_error_log
CustomLog /var/log/virtualmin/cms.somename.com_access_log combined
<VirtualHost 10.10.1.xxx:443>
ServerName cms.somaename.com
ServerAlias webmail.cms.somename.com
ServerSignature On

ProxyVia On

# prevent your web server from being used as global HTTP proxy
<LocationMatch "^[^/]">
Deny from all

<Proxy *>
order deny,allow
allow from all

# Balance load between 3.x.x ZEO front-ends
<Proxy "balancer://lbesa">
BalancerMember http://10.10.1.xxx:8080
BalancerMember http://10.10.1.xxx:8081
BalancerMember http://10.10.1.xxx:8082
BalancerMember http://10.10.1.xxx:8083

RewriteEngine On
# prevent access to ZMI through apache
RewriteCond    %{QUERY_STRING}  (.*)
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ balancer://lbesa/VirtualHostBase/http/%{SERVER_NAME}:80/site2/xxx/VirtualHostRoot/$1?%1 [L,P]

ProxyRequests On
ProxyVia On

ProxyRequests On
ProxyVia On
CacheRoot "/home/cms/tmp"
CacheEnable disk /
CacheDirLevels 5
CacheDirLength 3

SetOutputFilter proxy-html
RequestHeader  unset Accept-Encoding

<Files awstats.pl>
AuthName "cms.net statistics"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /home/cms/.awstats-htpasswd
require valid-user

ErrorLog /var/log/virtualmin/cms.somename.com_error_log
CustomLog /var/log/virtualmin/cms.somename.com_access_log combined

IPCCommTimeout 31
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /home/cms/ssl.cert
SSLCertificateKeyFile /home/cms/ssl.key
<Files awstats.pl>
AuthName "cms.redbirdtechnologies.com statistics"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /home/cms/.awstats-htpasswd
require valid-user


Howdy -- you may need to look at the page that isn't working, and review what it's doing differently that's causing it to not work properly with your proxying setup.

However, it sounds like as a whole, that proxying is working correctly. And I don't see any glaring issues in your config.

That points to an issue specific to this page. Reviewing what it does, and the HTML it's outputting, may help you determine why it isn't working.

I think I have figured out my root problem. Has to do with java script and context root and how refers to the source host. Any ideas on how to correct the problem with java script?

Sorry, we're not really sure how you'd fix that within the application...