Variables got not applied


In /etc/php/7.3/cig/php.ini i set following: open_basedir = ${HOME}/public_html:${HOME}/tmp:/dev/urandom

And got the same string also after virtualhost creation into the /home/user/etc/php.ini displayed with the common error as result.

Did i write it wrong or is it a bug ?

Thanks in advance.


Closed (fixed)


Got it ;-).

/etc/php i created a new php.ini file. Virtualmin -> System Settings -> Server Templates -> MyTemplate -> PHP Options i switched from Default to my new php.ini file for every PHP version and entered the path to /etc/php/php.ini.

After that my variables got applied on creating a new Virtual Server.

Just easy smile.

So its closed.

Best regards Urs

Status: Fixed ยป Closed (fixed)

Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.