VIrtualmin + Joomla + No Mysql Support

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#1 Mon, 01/11/2010 - 12:38

VIrtualmin + Joomla + No Mysql Support

Hi, i'm trying to install Joomla in a virtual server i created. Everything goes fine (i upload and unzip the joomla file without any problem) but when it comes to the preinstallation check that joomla does it shows me MYSQL SUPPORT - NO, when in fact i have mysql installed and i'm able to manage it, since i created through webmin the database that will be used. Any idea why this could be? Thanks in advanced for any help!

I did a PHPINFO() and i see that the mysql support is not enabled. Where can i enable this in webmin?

Mon, 01/11/2010 - 12:41


It sounds as if you may be missing PHP's MySQL module.

The exact name of the module depends on your distro, but it's likely php5-mysql or perhaps just php-mysql.

Make sure you have that installed, then give Joomla another go.


Mon, 01/11/2010 - 12:50

Ups! You answered right before i edited my post. So i was saying i did a phpinfo() and i can see that the mysql support is not there. How should i go in resolving this? I tried looking in the software packages for php-mysql support but i couldn't find it there.

Mon, 01/11/2010 - 12:55

Well, what to look for depends on what distro you're using (hint: for us to help better, let us know what distro you have ;-)

However, every distribution that I've seen Virtualmin run on has one named either php-mysql or php5-mysql.

You should be able to search for and install those from either the command line using yum or apt, or you can go into Webmin -> System -> Software Package Updates and search/install there.

When searching from the GUI, make sure you select "Updates and new" before doing a search, otherwise it'll only look for updates to packages you already have.


Mon, 01/11/2010 - 13:02

Thanks andrey, i look for it and is working now. Thank you again! I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 and installed php5-mysql. Sorry for not mentioning it before. One last question, why wasn't this module installed from the beginning? Or was it that my server did something wrong? Thanks for everything, now everything is working great (until i run into another problem :) )

Mon, 01/11/2010 - 13:07


Nah, you didn't do anything wrong.

The problem is just that it's really hard to know what packages and modules people want. Some folks think package N is absolutely mandatory, others get annoyed that it's installed by default.

So it's just a case of not knowing how best to please everyone :-)

The Virtualmin installer does install a number of packages that are deemed as necessary, though php5-mysql isn't one of those installed by default.


Sat, 01/16/2010 - 07:43

This is because the install script still does not install the php5-mysql module. I pointed this out over a year ago and they wouldn't fix this.... it took me a year just for them to install bzip2 by default.

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