How to recompile apache?

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#1 Wed, 02/09/2011 - 03:03

How to recompile apache?

I have installed virtualmin on my server. The httpd server is the default httpd-2.2.3.vm. I want to recompile the apache, what should I do?

step by step please, thanks.

Wed, 02/09/2011 - 09:19

It looks like these two posts are related:

It really could take hours to write step by step instructions on how to properly compile Apache on your server, and probably longer to perform those instructions :-)

Further, anytime an Apache security update came out, you'd have to recompile Apache. Manually compiling anything for your server can be a real maintenance problem, and I highly recommend against it.

My recommendation is to find a different solution to your problem -- it sounded like you're seeing some FCGID errors. There's multiple things that can cause those errors, but a quick and simple fix would be to change your site to use CGI rather than FCGID.

You can do that by going into Server Configuration -> Website Options, and change the PHP Execution mode to CGI.


Wed, 02/09/2011 - 10:05

It sounds like something strange is going on :-)

What output do you receive if you go into System Configuration -> Re-Check Config?

That should check various setting to make sure everything looks okay.


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