Custom variables or edit?

1 post / 0 new
#1 Thu, 11/29/2012 - 03:31

Custom variables or edit?


I'm an all standards type of guy, so I need to change the way Virtualmin adds DNS records. I have two options. Browsing to System Settings > Server Templates > Default Settings, checking the option "Use only the records above" in BIND DNS domain section, and trying to figure out what I can use to represent date + serial number. Another option is to try hard (since I don't know Perl at all) and edit the file

create the SOA and NS records

local $serial; if ($config{'soa_style'} == 1) { $serial = &date_serial().sprintf("%2.2d", $config{'soa_start'}); } else { # Use Unix time for date and running number serials $serial = time(); } local $vals = "$master $email (\n". "\t\t\t$serial\n". "\t\t\t$refresh\n". "\t\t\t$retry\n". "\t\t\t$expiry\n". "\t\t\t$min )";

The latter seems an easier way. Am I in the right path?
